All new video presentation!
We are an independent Saskatoon cultural group, having fun with old-and new-traditions.
At this time, we're not available to perform in person, but can offer virtual participation in the form of videos to suit all types of online events.
Inquire (via email here), or just browse our website or Twitter to find out more about our long-time Saskatoon cultural and heritage dance group.
Our group of children and teens love to folk dance to traditional
German folk music, wearing colourful costumes originating from the German
traditional dress or 'Trachten'. We especially enjoy presenting our dances at multicultural events to celebrate the music and colourful dance of the many nations that are also keeping alive their cultural traditions here in Canada.
note - as you browse our new website, you may find some of our photos
have not migrated over successfully. Still working on it.
We are supported in part by The Saskatchewan German Council and Sask Culture and the Saskatchewan Lotteries